Friday, March 27, 2009

Funny Friday Fun

Every Friday I post a video that is funny or fun or just plain enjoyable to watch. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is meant to be something enjoyable, if you don't find it funny or enjoyable, then please turn it off.I didn't make them, I simply shared them. Chill out a bit will ya!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A refreshing change

The other day I had a chance to meet with my friends at Equip Church. They are in the leadership training stage of a church plant here in Turlock. They have asked me to lead a training session on financial/budget planning (Crown Financial Ministries), which I am really excited about.

The most refreshing part about this church plant is the method by which it is happening. It seems all to often, a church plant is the result of a church split. In this case God called the leader of this church to plant it. The church they were attending (my church) has sent them out and has openly allowed them to recruit their leadership team from within the church.

It is great to play a part (no matter how small) of a church plant that is being done in God's timing and following His plan. Join me in praying for them over the next few months as they prepare to launch.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6 of 1440 or 1/2%

Yesterday I talked about gingivitis and how God used something as corny as that to teach me a lesson. I wanted to continue that discussion a little bit today. If you haven't read yesterday's post, go do that first here.

I wanted to talk a bit more today about what God (and our dentists) are calling us to do. As hard as it is for me to floss regularly, I find it amazing at how little our Dentist is requiring of us. Brush for 2 minutes in the morning, 2 minutes in the evening and floss (less than 2 minutes) once per day. 6 minutes! In 24 hours, that is less than 1/2 of 1 % of our day. We spend more time trying to decide what to eat for dinner.

However, as little as the time requirement is, I still have a hard time getting it done... especially at night when I am ready to crash. I go to work for 8+ hours, spend a couple hours with the kids and Autumn, watch some TV and sleep for 8+ hours in any given day... but ask for 6 minutes and I whine about it.

The truth is, God isn't asking for much more when it comes to studying His Word. Just a few minutes every day. Read a couple verses in the morning and pray. Read a couple verses in the evening and pray. It doesn't take much. However, it is equally as hard to accomplish that, as it is to accomplish the simplest of hygiene.


Priorities. I would rather watch an extra 30 minutes of TV or spend a little longer reading blogs, until I am so tired I don't feel like flossing... or don't feel like reading His Word. It doesn't take much... a little reprioritizing and discipline.

I don't know what it will look like for you or how you are going to do it... but jut do it! Make the the Word. Allow it to cleanse your heart and soul and keep that bacteria out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brush with your Bible?!?

Every day it is important to brush your teeth at least two times and to floss your teeth, or so says my Dentist. I am usually pretty good about the brushing, but sometimes struggle with the flossing. As a result, I have mild cases of gingivitis that I am constantly struggling with.

Why share with you that information?

Well, I am reminded regularly by my dentist that no matter how hard I brush this time, I can't stop. I have to continue to brush and floss every single day. If I stop, then bacteria has a chance to infect my teeth and gums, causing infection.

Hang in there with me, but tonight while I was flossing God slapped me upside the head. As I was flossing and hating every minute of it, God reminded me that is exactly how our relationship with him can be. If we don't clean our minds daily with time with God, then bacteria has a chance to enter our life and create infections.

The solution? The same regiment that is good for our teeth is good for our soul. Daily doses of time with God is the only solution to keeping out the bacterias of this world.

So, go and brush your soul with the word!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Funny Friday Fun

Every Friday I post a video that is funny or fun or just plain enjoyable to watch. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is meant to be something enjoyable, if you don't find it funny or enjoyable, then please turn it off.I didn't make them, I simply shared them. Chill out a bit will ya!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday Thinkback

Here are a few random thoughts that I have from this last week and into the weekend:
  • The music sounded awesome on Sunday!
  • I was doing sound and it STILL sounded awesome!
  • I missed the last 2 weeks of I listened to all 3 services to make up for it!
  • The ride out with the CHP this weekend was a blast!
  • Thanks Adam for the ride along! Can't wait for next time...
  • I feel really good this week.
  • God has been present this week and I welcome Him openly.
  • Had a quick lunch with my dad yesterday. I always enjoy those.
  • Went and visited my niece and her parents (my sister) this weekend.
  • It is amazing how much a baby grows in just 3 months.
  • Our friends had their baby on Friday.
  • That birth was a miracle in of itself, not to mention the miracle known as Brady!
  • Are we going to have a third? No. Right Autumn?
  • Big plans this weekend? Not for us.
  • Finally get to work on the yard this weekend. Really tired of looking at the mess.
  • Of course, it is going to rain all weekend which means I won't get the yard done.
  • I guess I will just have to relax in the dry indoors.
  • See y'all on Sunday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Social Media

I have started and deleted my Facebook a few times now. Why? I am tired of getting invited to throw a snow ball or to give a drink. I have more than enough friends, I don't need new ones from high school that I never knew. I get fed up and I quit.

Then I realize that I can take back control and so I reactivate my account and clean house. How many times can I do that??

However, recently through a series of events I have been able to see some real blessings that have come out of blogging, twittering, facebooking, etc.

As many of you know, some friends from our church are planting a church. It has been really exciting to watch/read about their journey. As I follow their journey I have had a chance to share some incite that has helped make their journey faster and easier. Whether it was something simple like ways to make blogging easier or things regarding IRS rules for collecting financial gifts, God has allowed me to be a small part of their journey.

I am not sharing this to say "Hey, look at me!" I am sharing this to say that there are good things that come from Internet social media. These little tidbits of information may never have reached them. Had they not been blogging, had I not been reading it, who knows if I would have ever known about their situations and been given an opportunity to share something with them.

There are many faults to social media...but this week I am proud and excited to be a part of something, that only came to be because of social media on the web.

Join me in praying for our friends this week as they embark on an amazing adventure!

See ya on Facebook!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I love a good holiday as much as the next guy. However, have you ever stopped to wonder why we celebrate certain holiday's in America? After all, what did Saint Patrick due for us?

I thought I would share the history of the holiday in America. This is how we came to celebrate it. If you want to learn more about the history of St. Patrick, then let me encourage you to visit the History Channel for a great study.

I took this information directly from the History Channel's website. For more information, visit the site here.

The History of the Holiday

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17, his religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a thousand years.

On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink, and feast—on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.

The First Parade

The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place not in Ireland, but in the United States. Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City on March 17, 1762. Along with their music, the parade helped the soldiers to reconnect with their Irish roots, as well as fellow Irishmen serving in the English army.

Over the next thirty-five years, Irish patriotism among American immigrants flourished, prompting the rise of so-called "Irish Aid" societies, like the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick and the Hibernian Society. Each group would hold annual parades featuring bagpipes (which actually first became popular in the Scottish and British armies) and drums.

In 1848, several New York Irish aid societies decided to unite their parades to form one New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade. Today, that parade is the world 's oldest civilian parade and the largest in the United States, with over 150,000 participants.

Each year, nearly three million people line the one-and-a-half mile parade route to watch the procession, which takes more than five hours. Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Savannah also celebrate the day with parades including between 10,000 to 20,000 participants.

There you have it. According to, that is how Americans came to celebrate this holiday!

I hope that gets you thinking about all the holidays we celebrate here in the US. Do you really know why you are celebrating them? Think about that while you enjoy your Corn Beef and Cabbage!

Look in your rearview mirror!

This last weekend I had a chance to go for a ride-along with the California Highway Patrol (CHP). No, I am not looking to join up. For those of you who don't know, I am a former law enforcement officer. I worked for a few cities in the Stanislaus County during my tenure. It was a wonderful experience and I learned a great deal about society, life and a few other things.

One of the few side effects of leaving a career in law enforcement is the times when you miss what you did. When you actually made a difference in the lives or safety of those who were helping. It is during those few moments that you truly question whether you should have switched careers.

Of course, those moments are usually short lived. As soon as I come home from work, or go to church to serve, I quickly realize why God has me doing what I am doing.

So, why the ride along? First, because I have a great friend I met at New Life who is currently serving with the CHP. Second, because I was missing what I did. Third, I thought it would be fun. It was. I had a blast. I really enjoyed my time out there for a couple of reasons.

It gave me the adrenaline rush I came to enjoy. It reminded me of the good that these people do for society. It also reminded me why I am glad to not be doing it anymore.

If you have a chance to ride out with a law enforcement agency. Do it. It will open your eyes to whole new side of society, that most of us don't get to see.

Also, much like our military, please be praying for the people serving in public safety careers. They are the ones protecting you and I and are there when we need them the most!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sound bytes

I had the privelage of attending all 3 services today, I was doing sound. I thought I would share with a few thoughts I had from the day.

Here are some quotes from the say or some random thoughts I had:

If you were here first service, you woild have seen a small group do the wave, pretty cool.
"Just trust in me [God]"
"God does not want to be a slice of your life, he wants to be your life"
"The commandments are not about rules, but about honor... Honoring others."
"Honoring your parents is the testing ground to honoring others."
"Honoring someone means to honor their life"
"The average 16 year old will have seen 40,000 TV murders!" - that is a crazy stat!
"God has a purpose for every single human life."
"Men, it is time to man up for all the times you have intimidated someone into a decision."
"Honor means to honor someone's marriage."
"God knows we are going to fail in keeping the commandments, but He says hang in there because He has hope in us."
"Testifying falsely is sacrificying someone else for my own benefit"
"Regardless of your position or power these rules apply, as does God's grace and forgiveness."

Any thoughts?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

In case your wondering.

I usually don't blog on the weekends, mainly because I try and spend that time with the family. However, this weekend, I thought I would take a brief moment and tell you about my weekend... in case your wondering!

I am at my sister's in Brentwood. We are visiting them and my niece Clare who was born in December.

So there you have it. You are now in the loop. See ya on Sunday!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Funny Friday Fun

Every Friday I post a video that is funny or fun or just plain enjoyable to watch. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is meant to be something enjoyable, if you don't find it funny or enjoyable, then please turn it off.I didn't make them, I simply shared them. Chill out a bit will ya!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are you content?

Today I was reading from the book of Luke. In fact, I was reading Chapter 3 of Luke, when John the Baptist was talking about the coming of Jesus.

As I was reading I came to verse 14 which reads:

"What should we do?" asked some soldiers. John replied, "Don't extort money or make false accusations. And be content with your pay."

The last part of that really caught me for a moment... "be content with your pay".

How many of us are ever truly content with our pay? It seems, at least for me, that no matter how good of a raise I get, how well I am paid, how wonderful my benefits are...I am still wanting more? Why is that?

I am sure that we can all come up with a reason for it. It is tied to my past and the way I was raised. We live in a society that values wealth. Americans are driven by career success first. These are all valuable and realistic reasons. However, I think there is more to it.

I was listening to a sermon by Perry Noble yesterday. In it, Perry was talking about the things we bring into our marriage that shouldn't be there, i.e. greed, lust, etc. He also talks about how to eliminate it. Confession, repentance and Jesus. Perry goes on to say (and has many times in the past) that the more you feel your life with Jesus the less effect that Satan and this world has on your way of thinking.

The reality... I have an amazing job that is secure. I have a great salary for what I do. The benefits are unbeatable. I could not go somewhere else and get everything I am getting now and enjoy coming to work. That is the view I need to have... and that should be the view we should all have. Especially during these difficult times when many of you are loosing your jobs, are taking pay cuts. The fact that I have a job is something I definitely need to be grateful for!

If you are like me... then join me in letting go of our greed and truly thank God for what he has given us today!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It is Coming!

Well, it is almost that time again.

Yep, it is just around the corner.

There are only 24 more days until it is here.

Don't tell anyone. I am only telling you!

It will be our 11Th Wedding Anniversary.

Last year, Autumn and I celebrated our 10Th wedding anniversary. It was certainly a wonderful milestone, but I must admit we did not do some big to-do. Why? Well, a few short weeks later 13 people in my family went on vacation to Hawaii. Yes, it was like celebrating our 10Th anniversary in Hawaii...with 13 other people. Since we were saving every nickel and dime for that trip, we didn't do anything grand for our anniversary last year.

This year isn't a great milestone, but it is definitely something that we both want to truly celebrate. There are probably a number of reasons, but mainly it is worth celebrating...and we want to.

With that, I open up the floor. Whether you know Autumn and I or not, we want to hear your recommendations for a great weekend getaway! The winner and a guest will join us on this trip, all expenses paid. OK not really, in fact you are not even invited....but if we do use your idea, then maybe we will buy you a cup of coffee!

Look forward to hearing your ideas... let them rip!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sound bytes

I have not been at church the last 2 Sundays, but I have been listening to Dave's messages on line. Thanks to pod casts and my I-phone I get to take New Life with me where ever I go...ahh I digress. If you missed a message, you can go here to listen online or sign up for the pod cast.

I just had some thoughts from the messages that I have been listening to:

"Time Out" - Sunday 3/1/09:
  • The commandments were meant to keep free people free.
  • The sabbath was given as a gift from God.
  • Would you ever leave a present unopened at your birthday or on Christmas?
  • I don't think I open this gift from God often enough.
  • I wish we had a Chic-Fil-A in Turlock!
  • 4 week Sabbath challenge. Hmm, can I do this?
  • I think the last couple of Sundays, I have taken the "Sabbath" to a whole new level!
  • For me, I am going to have to put it on my calendar to keep from booking things over it.
"The Power of Honor" - 3/8/09:
  • Honor your parents came before the bad things, (murder, steal, adultery, etc).
  • Using the Wizard of Oz to explain a Godly commandment....that's cool!
  • Children believe honor means obey! I need to remember that when interacting with the boys.
  • Pastor Dave used my son in his message...remember when he talked about the little rebel!
  • Teens believe honor means respect and cooperate! That's what I'm talking about!
  • That transition from teen to adult is difficult. What can I think about now that will help my boys through that transition?
  • Adults believe honor means treasure.
  • What do you mean care for and repay? There isn't room in my house for them.
  • The older I get, the easier it is for me to honor my father and mother.
  • We live in a culture that does not honor age!
  • As our parents are getting older, we teach our children how to respect us, by the way we respect our parents! Wow...that's a thinker!
Well, there are some random thoughts I jotted down while listening to these messages the last couple of weeks. How about you? Do you have some thoughts about these messages?

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Big Secret Revealed

A week ago I blogged about Autumn and I stepping down from our respective roles in ministry. I really didn't go in to much detail, but promised I would later. I am finally getting back to that follow up.

The fact is, I am not really sure how to clearly provide an answer that truly explains our life and what is going on. I know I don't have to, but I certainly want you to understand what is going on in our life.

The best way I can describe it, is by returning to a post I wrote a while back. In October I wrote this post about the priorities in my life. The best way to describe our decision is to say that we were falling away from the priorities that are important to us.

Is that to say we didn't like what we were doing? No. The reality is that we have things going on in our life that we are working through (doesn't everyone!). As we loose sight of our priorities, it makes it harder to over come these things in our life. It makes it harder for me to help Autumn with her issues. It makes it harder for Autumn to help me with my issues.

We realized that if we are going to be effective in ministry over the long haul, we have to work on the most important stuff now. We truly believe that once we work through this time in our lives, God will renew us and recharge us so that we are ready to develop a ministry that will meet the most people for Christ.

In the meantime, find us on a Sunday morning and say Hi. You are welcome to sit with us and truly enjoy worship with us as we hear great words from God.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Funny Friday Fun

Every Friday I post a video that is funny or fun or just plain enjoyable to watch. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is meant to be something enjoyable, if you don't find it funny or enjoyable, then please turn it off.I didn't make them, I simply shared them. Chill out a bit will ya!

You thought your I-phone was cool...
For more info visit the website at

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Thinkback

Here are a few random thoughts I had from this week:

  • Autumn was gone at a Women's Retreat.
  • I really missed her while she was gone.
  • I am glad I got to spend some great time with the boys.
  • This was a long time coming.
  • I missed church on Sunday.
  • I really missed being at church on Sunday.
  • I listened to Dave's message online.
  • I guess I truly took the sabbath to the fullest this last weekend.
  • You know how when you miss church, you don't quite feel powered during the week.
  • I am still excited about the Easter series...but I can't tell you the name of it yet... you will just have to wait.
  • I am glad Autumn is home. We are having a good week.
  • Wednesday night is the new date night.
  • I love date night!
  • Do you have a date night? If not, find one... you deserve it!
  • I am looking forward to this week. Should be a great message.
  • I have a soccer tournament to referee this weekend.
  • I enjoy refereeing soccer...good exercise, good money and good fun.
  • I will see ya at the early service Sunday!

Dave Gibbons Blog Tour

I had a wonderful opportunity to ask a question of Dave Gibbons, regarding his ministry and his new book. Here is what he had to say:

Jason: In many cultures, or other nations, religion is an essential fundamental to their lives and life style, even at the risk of possible death or imprisonment. For most of us in America, we have come to treat religion as another hobby as it "fits into our schedule". What can we learn and apply from other cultures that will help us to bring American Christians into a deeper and more serious relationship with God?

Dave: Great question, Jason. There are multiple global characteristics or habits outside the common practice of Americans that will help in their walk with God. Here are a few:

  1. The Art of Listening- In America, there is great attention to the word whereas, in the world there is much more emphasis on nuance, body language, and non-directive language especially as it relates to communication. Because of this one has to be alert to hidden meanings, physical cues, and the unspoken. This is helpful for us in the west because we miss out so much when it comes to listening to God. Often it’s not simply the exegesis of the word that is as significant as the application of an idea. Jesus’ use of parables was beautiful as the truths were not immediately apparent but allowed for self or corporate discovery. It requires one to pay attention and to more deeply understand.

  2. Loyalty- In the west, we value honesty at the top of our values list. Hence, truth is important. In the east, there is high loyalty to friends and family. There is shame if you turn your back on your loved ones. In the east, relationships are like fast food. They satisfy us for the moment and we go on to the next relationship. In the east, loyalty is often valued more than one’s own happiness.

  3. Sacred Space- Americans like things big! Our houses, our meals, our cars and even our churches. Big is great but we can learn from the world the value of space and the small. Many families in the world live in one room and in much smaller spaces. How could we be better stewards if we downsized our voracious appetites?

  4. The DNA of Community- We tend to be more individualistic in the west no matter how much we talk about community. At the end of the day, it’s about me. Individualism has it’s strengths when it comes to pioneering and some forms of innovation but to learn about commitment, sacrifice and trust the world has a lot to teach us. In Asia, if one fails, they feel they have not only shamed themselves, but their family, their relatives, and even their country. They understand the ripple effects of actions or words.

  5. Embrace of Mystery- We typically love clear answers. We almost vomit truth to the point we speak truth but not in love. Scott Peck speaks of relationships that are deep have an embrace of mystery. Many cultures around the world naturally embrace mystery and in so doing, are able to have healthier relationships both with each other and God.

Dave, Thank you for taking a moment to answer my question. I look forward to reading your book. For those of you who would like to read a bit more about the book can read a sample chapter here.

Read more questions from Dave's blog tour here.

You can learn more about Dave by visiting his website at or you can order his book, The Monkey and the Fish.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Advice!

As many of you know, this last weekend was the Women's Retreat at our church. They spent 3 days and 2 nights away from their family and home for a time of rejuvenation and regeneration.

I thought I would take a moment and share some advice or suggestions for all the men out their who were managing the household while they were gone. If you are someone sitting today wondering why your wife went, if she came home in a worse mood then when she left then perhaps this is something worth reading.

This last weekend, although about rest and relaxation was most likely days cram packed with sessions and worship, followed by late nights of girl talk and shenanigans. This translates into a very excited and overtired wife when she gets home.

Here are 10 things I have learned a long the way or read from others who have shared their experiences as well.

  1. Make sure that the entire house is picked up and cleaned before she gets home. That means making the bed, doing the dishes, washing AND putting away clothes and anything else that will make your house clean and tidy for her arrival.
  2. Complete at least 1 honey-do while she is gone. Of course, this does carry exponential rewards relative to the amount of items you complete, but you should at least complete one 1 item to show her you can be trusted alone while she is gone.
  3. Insure that the children are still alive AND bathed when she gets home. They don't have to be Olan Mills Portrait photo ready, but they should look like they can behave in civilized society...
  4. Do not go out and make any ridiculous decisions while she is gone, i.e. buy a new car, decide to move, etc. and the concept that it is a surprise for her will work...but I certainly guarantee not in the way you wanted it will be the one surprised, by her response.
  5. Have dinner plans for the eve of her return already lined up, whether YOU fix dinner at home or you plan to go out. The worse thing you can do when she gets home and gets settled is ask HER what's for dinner.
  6. The first night back is about her. She is going to want to tell you all about her trip. Let her...and listen. What matters to her, should matter to you. If she is excited you should be excited!
  7. Your time "alone" with the kids have given you some time to think about things because you haven't be able to fill your day with other stuff. You are going to want to share your new ideas and thoughts with her when she gets home. Don't. Wait until tomorrow or the next day... see item #6.
  8. Did I mention make sure the house is clean...that includes the kids rooms AND your bedroom. Make your bed, clean the bathroom, restock the toilet paper, wipe your hair out of the bathroom sinks, etc.
  9. I almost hesitated adding this one, it should go without saying...but I am saying it! Take care of your personal hygiene before she gets home. Take a shower, shave, do your hair,clip your nails; what ever it takes to make you look your best. You want her to know that you care about the fact that she is coming home, and you cared enough to look good for her.
  10. Don't expect sex! Remember, she is going to be so excited and exhausted when she gets home. Once the buzz wears off and she fills you in on all the exciting things that happened, she is going to crash. This weekend was about her...don't ruin it by trying to meet your needs when she gets home!
I can't emphasize enough that this weekend was for her...and that includes through Sunday night. She takes care of you the other 51 weekends a month...give her this one!

Good Luck and God Bless!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eschew Obfuscation or Killing Cockroaches?

I recently had the opportunity to read a pre-release of Tony Morgan's new book, Killing Cockroaches and Other Scattered Musings on Leadership.

If you recall, I had the rare opportunity to interview Tony last month, you can see the highlights of that interview here. As one of the lucky 200 who were closely following his twitters, I had a chance to grab a pre-release of the book to read and review. So here are some thought that I had about the book:

There is a common humorous statement, especially among English teachers which goes like this... "I want to eschew obfuscation." This is simply translated as "I want to avoid miscommunication." That is the problem with our society, is that we have overcomplicated our language.

This, unfortunately, has been carried over into book writing way to much. I also think, that when you introduce biblical topics or leadership topics, it gets even worse.

That is why I Love Tony's books! He has taken the very complicated and intelligent leadership skills that he has learned over the years and shared them with us in a very clear and simple way that we can all understand. In the same writing styles of the Simply Strategic Series, Tony keeps the chapters short and focused on the specific leadership topic at hand. Killing Cockroaches covers a broad number of topics, so this is a book that has application in the church, in the private sector, public sector, military sector...well just about anywhere. The concepts are real life and written in such a way that it makes it easy to apply it, or a variation of it, to your own life and situation.

This is one of those books that I will read and re-read over and over, and keep very handy. It will be more like a tool in my arsenal when trying to be a better leader.

Let me encourage you to check it out. You can learn more about it on Tony's website here or through Amazon here.

Monday, March 2, 2009


A few weeks ago our microwave blew up. OK, so it didn't actually blow up, but it did make some pretty scary sounds and then stopped cooking things we put in it. So, we decided that it had met the end of its 17 year life and it was time to get a new one.

We wasted very little time in looking for a replacement. The problem... it had to be ordered.

So for about a week we lived without a microwave. It was quite an interesting experience. Something as simple as a microwave completely upset our routine. Now, we don't live on microwave dinners...especially if you know my wife...she is a great cook!

However, we did not realize how much we relied on the microwave. Defrost this...pop some of that... reheat more of this... and so on. With out, we had to plan out everything we do. If we are having left overs, we have to reheat on the stove. If we want popcorn, we have to go to Target to buy some from the snack bar.

It seems that we had come so comfortable in our need for the microwave we forgot the true value that it offered to our family.

Isn't that how our relationship with God is sometimes? We knew how great he was for us when we connected with Him. However, sometimes we just become too comfortable with Him and we forget His true value to our lives He is. My prayer this week for me is that I never become comfortable with God. That I always remember the value He has on my life and the life of my family.

How about you?