Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Year Through the Bible...Specific Prayer

I am currently reading through the book of Esther. We have heard about Esther recently during our Heroes Series, earlier this year. She is a very amazing person. She was willing to risk her own life for the lives of her fellow Jews.

As a result of her willingness to take a risk, her Cousin Mordecai was saved from a most certain hanging. Here is what stood out for me.

It was how specific her prayer was regarding this. I am sure she probably had some general prayers about saving and protecting her family and her fellow Jews. However, in Chapter 4, vs 15-16, Ester specifically asks Mordecai to gather other Jews and to fast/pray for her as she prepares to face the king, uninvited. In other words, pray that she would not be sentenced to death when she commits a crime, punishable by death.

It made me stop and wonder how detailed I get in my prayer life. Do I give God a chance to answer specific prayers, if I never ask them? If I am asking specific prayers, and I expecting specific answers.

As I mentioned the other day, I have some very specific decisions now in front of me. I could ask for God's guidance in my decisions, or I could specifically ask God about each instance and the answers I need to hear from him. I like the second option, it sure makes it easier on me to discern, when God answers specifically.

NLCC is becoming a church of specific prayer, I think. We are seeing crazy and amazing things happen as a result of people praying specific prayers, and acting on those answers. Servolution is but one example of that.

I am excited to see where God takes us, as we become more specific and deliberate about our prayers, and then ACT on them as God directs us.

Thanks God!

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