Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Year Through The Bible...Servolution

Servolution is just 3 days away. I want to tell you that I am excited and I can't wait...but the reality is I don't carry the enthusiasm that I did a few weeks ago. The reason, is that I have been out of church for 3 weeks due to vacations, work travel, etc.

Don't get me wrong, God is doing crazy things at New Life, and I am excited with what he is doing. However, my excitement has dwindled a bit for Servolution...simply because I have been gone.

God realized this, and so he placed the book of Nehemiah in my path this week as part of my year through the Bible. When is the last time you have read the book of Nehemiah? If it has been awhile, then stop right now and go read the first 7 chapters of Nehemiah.

In case you don't have time, or don't want to right now let me share a bit about it. Nehemiah goes back to Jerusalem and rebuilds the destroyed wall of Jerusalem. The amazing thing about it is that Nehemiah does it in 52 days with great opposition. The opposition was so great that they had to have constant guards, and even carried their swords while working.

"How did he do it?", you ask. He had each family build the section of wall located in front of their houses.

That is what Servolution is all about. God has put before us a HUGE task of reaching our community. We are rebuilding our wall. How are we doing it? Each group is doing something great in the community. If you add all of those things together....we are going to be doing something HUGE!

New Life is going to be doing something this Saturday that is unprecedented in size, has never been done before, and has received great opposition that we won't be able to make it happen.

Yet, like Nehemiah who build a wall around a city in a mere 52 days, we have something that our opposition doesn't realize. This is God's project not ours.

Pastor Dave continues to encourage each and everyone of us to pray and fast for this weekend. You see, Nehemiah, was a man of God and every time there was an attack or strife, he would turn to God. Throughout the book you will see: "But I prayed..." We must be doing the same!

I am now excited! I cannot wait to see the sea of yellow Saturday flood this community and share love with those in need. One family at a time, we will share a piece of Christ's love...we WILL rebuild our wall! Together as a team!

Man, I love being a New Lifer! NEW LIFE ROCKS!

Thanks God...I needed that.

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