Wednesday, January 7, 2009

REPLAY. Lot's Life Goals

I was praying and studying over my goals for 2009 and was re-reading a post I did last January about Lot and his goals. I really liked it, and it gave me some great motivation for continuing to plan for 2009. I thought I would share it again. I hope you enjoy:

I have been studying in Genesis this month as I begin my study through the Bible. I am studying through the Daily Walk Bible.

As I started my study this morning, the lead-in text talked about Lot's goals that he used to shape his life. Currently, we are all(or most) at a point where we are reflecting back over 2007 and thinking about our "performance" and trying to decide where we need to go. After much time, I have finally put together my goals.

There are a lot of people who question why we should have goals, or even worry about things like that...some of you may even think that way. The reality is, I really couldn't give you a great answer. I just knew it was something that worked for me. Then when I came across the list of goals for Lot, it all made sense and cleared up what I knew all along, but couldn't put into words.

Here is Lot's goals according to my Daily Bible:

  • To lose all sense of moral values.
  • To forfeit all spiritual authority in my home.
  • To exert no influence for good in my community.
  • To lose everyone and everything dear to me.
  • To lead my family so far from God, that my own daughters get me drunk so that I will "lay with them" (added by me for purpose).

I know, these are not what you were expecting to hear. My bible went on to say this:

"Ridiculous, you say? Then consider this: Lot set no such goals, yet he accomplished everything on that list! Those unwritten goals simply became the consequences of his worldly choices."

Let me put it another way... You can either choose the direction you WANT your life to go, or wait and see where you end up. That to me is the number one reason to set goals. I have seen how bad I have screwed up in the past, so if I wait to see what happens this year, it won't be pretty.

Lot had no specific spiritual goals in his life to direct his actions, and as a result his spiritual walk is lukewarm at best, he loses his wife and he commits incest with his daughters. We are setting ourselves up to be just like Lot if we don't focus on the direction our life is going. We need to take command of our lives.

Pastor Dave preached on sunday that we cannot sit back and wait for someone to feed us. We have to feed ourselves. The church can provide the food, but we have to pick it up and eat it. Our life is controlled by us. I believe that our goals are the road map by which we do that.

What do you want to accomplish this year? How are you going to grow in God's word? Memorize scripture. Read through the Bible. How are you going to improve your prayer life? What are you going to do to work on your marriage? What are you doing to develop your children?

Develop your goals and write them down. Put them on paper so it is crystal clear, there is no wavering, no bouncing around. Post them in the bathroom, on your desk, in your car, what ever you need to do to make those the focus of your day...every day.

Write them down, share them with everybody, and ask to be held accountable!

You can map your path now and get there on time, or you can can wait until you are lost, and then pray there is someone around to help you find your way....the choice is yours!

Have you made some Revolutionary Goals for 2008? I would love to hear them!

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