Monday, October 13, 2008

Santa Cruz

Last Friday, our family loaded up with another family and 8 of us made the trek to Santa Cruz. This completed one of my goals for this year, to do 10 things that I have never done before.

Our friend's parents live there and so we were able to crash at their house.

We spent Saturday at the boardwalk and then back to the house for BBQ steaks and a movie.

Sunday was a leisurely morning and then we packed up. We went down to Aptos to visit my Dad and see his new house.

After that, we began what seemed like the longest drive home ever! When we drove over on Friday, it seemed like we were there in no time. There were no issues, everyone was quiet and "bam!", we were there.

Coming home, we had sick kids, tired kids, cranky kids, hungry parents and tired parents. We had a mix of it all. It seemed like the drive went on and on and on. When we finally got home it was such a wonderful feeling to be back and knowing that I was going to sleep in my own bed again...much like Pastor Dave talked about last week.

Did the drive home ruin the trip. Absolutely not! I had so much fun spending the weekend with my family and friends. I would do it again in a heartbeat!

I admit, I really missed church yesterday. I have blogged in the past, that when I miss church I feel like I miss out on something amazing. However, sometimes you have to spend time with your family and friends. I will be blogging about that tomorrow, when I talk about my priorities in life.

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