Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Wild Weekend!

As you can see from the image at the right, this weekend was a bit crazy.

Of course, that picture is not my actual Jeep...my pictures are a lot worse.

Yes, I broke the jeep. It happens when you try and do things like climb over rocks.

Pastor Dave has been speaking on the invisible, such as spiritual warfare, hell, etc. I certainly am not the type that goes around and blames everything on the devil or God. I end up blamming my own stupidity.

However, when this happened on Saturday and while knowing the cost of repair could be astronomical I remained unusually calm. Then God began orchestrating an amazing order of events.

I made it out of the trail before my Jeep was completely useless. I was able to pull it most of the way back to the cabin. I was then able to use AAA to tow it to the cabin. My friend had AAA that allowed me to tow it from Dorrington to Turlock. I took my Jeep apart on Monday and found the rats nest of metal. I have another friend who came over to take a look and said, "I have all the parts you need. Drop it off at my house and I will fix it for you."

Umm...if that doesn't have God written all over it, I don't know what does. I am not sure why God orchestrated the events the way he did. I will say this, if I had chosen on Saturday to allow this event affect my life emotionally, I truly believe that things would have gone a much different way.

Is that a sign of maturity? I doubt it, but it is definitely a sign of how mighty the God I serve is!

How about you? How mighty is your God?

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