Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Year Through the Bible...It finally happened!

Well, it finally happened. I didn't see it coming, but it happened. I learned a lot about the process that it takes to make it happen.

I am pretty excited that it happened. I decided I wanted to share it with everyone.

As you know, one of my goals this year is to read the Bible from cover to cover. It has been a pretty cool experience. I have been reminded through some of my readings about the areas in my life that I need to focus on. It has helped with my prayer time being more consistent. It has done a lot for me.

One thing that it had not done for me, ever, until now, is answer a specific question that I had for God.

I have read the blogs of people like Perry Noble, Scott Hodge, and many more and have heard about going to the Word for an answer for a specific question. Yet, it had never happened to me before.

The other day, during my study of Matthew, I came with a very specific question and need. I have been really struggling with some decisions in my life and really was feeling frustrated and defeated. In fact, I left work early that day because I was just feeling beat up over it.

I decided to get alone with God and spend some time in my study of the Word. I was reading through Matthew. So, before I started I spent some time with God and just explained how ignorant I am when it comes to discerning God's Will. I asked him to make it very clear to me what I should do with the decision I had to make.

During my reading, the Lord showed me, IN VERY CLEAR TERMS, exactly what I need to do. It was truly amazing.

Now, the secret....I simple had to open up my mind and my heart to hear and read what God wanted me to hear and read. Wow, that was simple. I wish I had thought of that before.

So, I am here to tell you, that if it can happen to me...it can happen to anyone!

Oh, in case you are wondering what the decision was, I will post on that another time!

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