Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sippin' Coffee Thoughts!

Sittin' at St. Arbucks sippin' coffee, does it get much better then that?

Of course it does!

Getting Married…Having Children...and...uhh…Eternal Salvation through a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

I blogged the other day about evaluating our selfishness and monitoring the time we give to God. Yet even after writing that and thinking about it, I sit here drinkin' my coffee. Sure I could call this my quiet time and in many aspects it is. It is quiet time away from the normal hustle and bustle, and location is not important if it is "quality" time...or I do better with noise around me. These are all valid justifications.

However my point is this, even in our quiet time with Christ, how often is that time still self-focused? I was talking with my friend Jon (probably the only one who reads my blog) about this concept. That all to often, especially task-oriented people like myself, we “schedule” time with the Lord in our calendar. We then develop our list of items to be covered during this “meeting”:

• Worship God
• Thank God for the things in my life
• Share my needs with God
• Ask for His direction
• Hear from God

Just follow the list and I will have a perfect quiet time with God.


God wants us to come to Him, and yes we can share our heart’s desires, or needs. Yet as scripture says, our Lord is a selfish God. He does not want to share us with any other gods...even if that other god is ourselves. There are times when we need to sit in total humility, in complete silence, and allow our Lord to do the talking. We need to thank Him for who He is, and not for what He has done in OUR lives. We need to make it all about Him!

My challenge to myself and to you, is to spend a little time tonight in total humility...allowing it to be all about NOT me! May the Lord speak volumes to both of us this evening!

1 comment:

RWC said...

I am reading too! I like it...keep it up! You have definatly helped open my eyes on more than one occasion! Thanks!