Monday, November 30, 2009

Church Building

One of the tasks that has been laid at my feet has been the task of looking for a building. It is a very interesting process looking for a church building.

I have done my fair share of residential home shopping with a realtor, and I must say that looking for a church building is different.

I guess I wasn't really sure what to expect. Much like everything else about church business, it just works differently.

I hear great stories all the time of churches being given properties, or offering prices much less than market value, as low as $1, and seeing how God provides them the structure they need.

Of course, that hasn't happened yet for us. Although I am looking and praying, we still don't have a permanent facility. When will it happen? How will it happen? What miracles will God perform? I don't know...and frankly I don't care. I am excited to be in the process and look forward to what God is going to do!

By the Way, if you happen to own a large commercial building or church on the West side of Turlock, and are looking for a large write-off, give me a call!

Until then, God bless and be on the look at for a church building!

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