Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Do you ever get that from yourself? You are working through something or trying to develop a plan and some gives you the most obvious answer....then you sit there and say to yourself,

"Duh! Why didn't I think of that?"

I had a "Duh" moment last night. As I have blogged earlier, this is a year of Revolution for me and my family. For the most part, it has been very freeing and I have already seen God do amazing things in my life, my family, my finances, my health, etc. It seems that almost daily, I am seeing God do something in my life that is revolutionary.

For some reason though, last night I was in a "failure mode". Just because God is doing great things now, doesn't mean that all MY mistakes from the past are instantly healed. They are still there and still have to be dealt with. However, when you are living a revolutionary life you can continue to give those things to God and allow him to work them out through you.

Somehow last night, I forgot that. I was in a horrible mood. I was stressing, trying to figure out how I was going to work through this problem. I had all but given up when I heard this statement,

"Have you prayed about it?"

UUUUUUUUUhhhhhhhhhhh. Duh! Oh yeah, that's what I was supposed to do!

Today, God has already revealed how he is going to fix my situation....all I had to do was spend some time in prayer last night and surrender (yet again) my heart and my needs to him!

Do you have "Duh" moments too?

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Dave said...

Have I had a "duh" moment? I invented the "duh" moment? I'm the president of the local chapter of "duh".

Do you want to join?

RWC said...

I live in a duh world...