Thursday, April 3, 2008

Whew! That was close!

Those were the words I spoke Monday afternoon when my mom called me. Let me back up a bit and explain what happened.

Many of you know that my family and I have a chance to visit Hawaii in a couple of weeks, at little to no cost to us. We are really excited and can't wait to go...or at least until Monday morning at 6:45 when I received a call....the airline we had our flights on (Aloha) went bankrupt and we had no flights.

What?? can an airline just declare bankruptcy and just stop flying? Isn't there some government rule that requires public transportation to continue operating, and the government just comes along side and subsidizes the company through the restructuring?

Apparently not, as I learned this morning another airline did the same thing, ATA declared bankruptcy as well. Sorry to those of you on ATA...I know your pain.

Luckily, I have a great mom and she spent the better part of 4-41/2 hours on the phone and internet on Monday morning and finally tracked down flights for 13 people (yes 13) and we are all on the same flight, and at least 7 of us are sitting together..the cost?? only a couple hundred dollars more than our original flights. Not to bad!

I got a call shortly after noon on Monday saying that we are ok and we have flights...."Whew! That was Close!"

Just remember, you may never know what is around the corner; put your trust and faith in Christ first, and he will be there with you through the rest. Ok, there is my application for you!

Man, I am so glad I have a flight...I need a St. Arbucks!

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1 comment:

Kelly Rae said...

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversay, haaaaaaaappy anniversary!

So glad to know you two and be your friends =)