Friday, April 4, 2008

Time flies when you are in Love!

10 years ago, today I made the biggest, blindest step a man can make. I married this woman. This woman, who would become my partner in life, both good and bad.

To say that every day has been good, would be a lie. However, to say that every day has been a blessing, because I have had her by my side to lean on, laugh with, comfort, be comforted, experience life with would be an understatement.

As I look back over the past 10 years, I have grown significantly. I clearly would not be where I am today, had God not brought such a wonderful woman into my life.

I am grateful to the Lord and to Autumn for loving me right where I am!

Autumn - You are the most wonderful woman in the world. You are a great mother and teacher to our children and you are the reason we are who we are.

Thank you for all you do and for agreeing to marry this dorky kid 10 years ago!

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